Monday, July 26, 2010

weekends gone in a poof.

i was desperately counting down to the weekends by marking my calendar and then poof, another weekend's gone again. i always wished that my weekends would be longer but doubt that will ever happen. amidst all the tuitions, i managed to squeeze out time for a movie with yongkun on satuday and catchup session with noelle . i told myself that i have to make up time for noelle because i stood her up twice due to a series of unfortunate events . sounds cliche but true. my schedule goes haywire not that i'm without a planner.

anyway i'm temporarily back from my blogging hiatus. i thought that i need a new blogger space to keep it going. you know, new 'environment' , new aspirations.. i was contemplating hard between wordpress and blogger but i've decided to stick to blogger because i'm too accustomed to it but it turns out to be a really bad choice because i always can't upload my pictures on blogger. -.- that explains why this is a picture-less post.

i thought it would be monday blues today but it turns out to be a pretty fab day. work's always fun with serene , gaya , ivy and the credit card peeps. ordered a slingback tunic from asos with abygail and the rest on the thursday and it arrived on sunday. kudos to efficient aby she brought the entire loot to the office to distribute. she's one of the few 91 babies and i really enjoyed her companion . both of us share the same feeling about workplace - how we hated the job and dread coming to work but we love the people around. my company set a new early release challenge this week which includes :

28k daily ( individual ) - early release anytime
80k this week - free half day on friday
100k this week - free off day on friday.

thanks to gaya's referral, i managed to hit the first one and go off at 2 plus pm. i was supposed to head off around ten am after i submitted my application but aris my lovely manager advised me to stay till noon to cover my half day on thursday to meet chloelove. so i managed to get a half day plus cleared my half day for thursday so there wont be any reductions to my basic pay . nuff' said , off to tuition.

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