it isn't always monday blues after all :) after work , got home to get change to meet up with weiru daphne and sonia for lunch at kim's family restaurant. seriously when was the last time i saw daphne goh ?! it's always nice to meet up with your friends once in a while to be updated on what's going on in their life . i'm really glad that daphne's so sweet in love now. love this classic kiss shot of her and her boyfriend at the barrage. only the best deserves the best yes ? i can't wait for sonia to get hitched seriously.
21st august ; sokee turns 20 :):)
when i'm 20 going on 21 fml seriously.

check out the third polaroid.
nia looks so cute seriously.

nia's so like so much taller than me *squeals* why am i so short as compared to the friends and boyfriend :( it was a surprise for sokee and none of us messaged her to wish her happy birthday. i was wondering if she would suspect anything since none of us wished her. we wanted her to think that we forgot her birthday and surprise her at hall. it was quite epic because i couldn't breathe when they off the fans to light up the candles and i had to go to the window several times. didn't help that i was sick and feeble. i have been so busy and overworked these days. i can't wait for nov and december to arrive because there won't be tuitions and i have more time to meet my friends :) love you all.
the day i let loose and lost my voice because no one was high . i felt a little sad that the birthday girl didnt sing a single song . point taken ,no more karaoke sessions with rachel tan . we should have hit the club instead. it was really tiring for me, as i tried to be the clown dancing around and tweaking the lyrics a lil to make the girls laugh. i guessed it was worthwhile as they burst out laughing a few times. the extent i would go to make my friends happy seriously * BIG PAT ON THE BACK *
& it's the release of the results today. i'm glad that most of us managed to clear all the subject and some of us did pretty well . i'm pretty satisfied with my results. i totally didn't expect certain grades but i guessed it's really god's grace and sheer hardwork towards the end of last year. i will do better next year and let's organise more study sessions. i will learn to juggle between work tuitions and academic so please pray for me all ! :)
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