today everyone feels so lovey dovey towards singapore. marina bay 's like a sea of reds. like 6 out of 10 people were wearing the national colour . i was one of the minority in green . felt so un-spontaneous to be in green actually :/ anyway , kun's aunt invited us over to her marina bay residence to celebrate our nation's birthday !! thank god it was a small gathering or else i will feel intimidated and out of place heh heh. i'm so so so in love with the place. squeaky clean , high security and awesome view. talk about convenience, its just a small walk away from marina bay station. apart from the mini celebration, it was good to see yongkun after two weeks.
it may have been a sad departure at ANZ , but i'm certain that life would be better off with lesser commitments. besides school's starting. i'm glad that another chapter has ended and i'm awaiting for a brand new one to begin in two week's time .
although it's a sad departure, BUT we will meet up often too right? :D