the past few months were hectic and miserable. i had to force myself to get up at six in the morning and mug my ass off till late . all for the sake of a decent certification . i wonder if it even matters :/ i should have beenconsistent and paid moreattention during lectures instead of cramping all the world during the last few months . lesson learnt. withage comes wisdom hopefully :) my back's been aching so badly soi bought a few packs of salon pas to ease me through the night. it's working wonders :)
anyway just 5 days before my last paper, i attended douglas' wedding . it was ..... awkward.. as usual because i don't really know his relatives and we dont really talk. half the time i was pretending to be cool and quiet . thank god for blackberry messenger and the pals who kept me accompany throughout the event . apart from the occasional awkward moments, it felt good to be part of a wedding :) the bride and groom look really good that day. it was their twelve anniversary and the bride actually teared in the midst of the solemnization. seriously twelve years, how many of the couples these days can actually pull through a decade ?

a picture of yongkun and i . i reallyneed to invest in a proper camera instead of relying on my blackberry mobile :(
& let me introduce the legendary f4s in my school - no , not flower boys but forevergay boys.

colour theme : white.
i still remember henry was so excited going " eh brother yay our colour code "

colour code : red.
as you can see, they're very desperate to get angpows .
i can't believe they are posing so happily for this picture.
esp when keith ( extreme right ) and jun ( extreme left ) are wearing the exact same polo.
if i'm not wrong, one of henry's friend was wearing that polo on that exact same day!!

colour code : blue.
gay level reduced by 0.00005 percent

on the last day of exams , after our last killer paper introduction to business management.
the colour theme was black and those ( including me ) look like we were going to attend a funeral -.- the peeps were so slow that day that i swore to myself if i had the time i would buy a whistle and train them for speed reaction.
i have decided that i shall avoid taking qualitative modules that require me to memorise a whole chunk of shit and regurgitate during exams. i dont have the stamina to write three booklets unlike most of the peeps out there and neither do i have the ability write legibly and fast at the same time. i almost died , since sociology and IBM were back to back papers. i think i have tried my best since the start of the year or so but i dont exactly think that my performance will reflect. i shall not brood over it and enjoy my holidays. mom's been kind , sending me to and fro expo and tuitions . may i get a job with good hourly rate so i can fund for my expenses in taiwan and bangkok ! + get a good camera so i dont have to post unclear pictures in future.
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