i really like to procrastinate. it's like an addiction. i will go like " okay by 4pm i will shut down my macbook and get started on economics" but i've never been really punctual. when i'm supposed to meet the rest at a designated time, i will always reach approximately 45 minutes late. when i say 'the rest' , i'm referring to lyla rachtan and all , my beloved members of the newly founded late clique. if its yongkun or sonia i will probably be killed by now. & i always underestimate the required time taken for a task. i thought it would probably take me 15 minutes to get my assesment books from the popular book store but the actual time taken was thrice of the estimated. -.- thankfully its pretty much fixed now.
& some updates .. so it's term break again hooray !! uol programme is really slack . it's slack but tough. i'm struggling with math and i put the blame on 1) myself 2) lousy lecturer . i'm really sympathetic towards mr liew's plight so i've decided to give him a grade 4 , indicating that i'm satisfied with the overall course though i remarked that his notes are difficult to comprehend .. wish me all the best to strive towards being a diligent student that i once used to be , 10 years back.
( fuck i'm 20 :/ )
fret not! for there's someone who's older than me.
anyway, the pj clique met up to celebrate gracia's 21st birthday in advance . it was a happy gathering at kenny rogers until .... ?! the theme's stripes . our kukuhead soon-to-be-21 birthday girl thought the word ' stripes ' is spelt as ' strips ' . the girl who didnt know bangkok was part of thailand, who wrote 'flawed means perfect ' in her GP essay , who likes to pluck her nails every now and then , who once declared confidently ' once shy twice bitten ' ..
happy birthday gracia tang jia qi ( in advance! ) you know i love you baybeh .
the card that's painstakingly done by us.
i'm pretty satisfied with the overall result, given the fact that the highest grade i've ever achieved for arts is B3 ?! i have zero cells for creativity and it's pretty much a well known fact.

lyla love in our twinny wedge . she has the exact same black wedge by the way. we're two insane online shopaholics. think we'll go crazy in BKK together :)
hervelvetvase tea party
lyla and i have been waiting for this event since forever ! just one fine day , i happened to chance upon this contest to write in to hervelvetvase, stating the reasons as to why i think i deserve to win a bobbi brown makeover worth 100sgd. i merely wanted to try my luck and heehee , my entry was selected ! you have no idea how happy i felt when i received the email titled ' you've won yourself a bobbi brown denim rose makeover ' a few months back , i attended the bobbi brown event together with yenqin and bought a heap of bobbi brown products. i bought their newly launched denim palette , gel eyeliner and make up base etc.. signed up for their membership and got a set of travel toiletries.
the owners of the blogshop , clare and mag , were really nice and we felt so happy to be invited :> so glad that i've decided to bring lyla along. on that very day, we were told that we could bring some of our friends as some of the other guests couldn't make it. yanning and nette wanted to go so badly but they've already had some other plans :( rachtan was in hongkong if not i will drag her ass down. we bought 11 pieces in total , both sale items and brand new collections. i should have bought more :( some pieces were at a steal of 10 sgd!! i got a top for 10 bucks which serene paid for 24 . consumer surplus of 14 sgd :)
the people who keep me sane in school

thank you jun , henry and colin , for always taking care of us .
reserving seats for us , printing extra notes for us and etc .
thank you oppas!!!
polka dot day

hi rach this is very random but i can't help but to express how much i love you. you always respond to all my emo tweets and fb status, leaving me hearts everywhere. i'm so happy to have known you , really. you're one reason why i've decided to get a blackberry baby !! <3>
stayover at copthorne hotel
thank you teh for the invite ! :)
i mean , she chose to utilise the voucher on us :)
rebe .
touched touched! (: me love you too!! :D and i'm not 21 yet, me am always cuteeeeeeeeeeee!hehehee.
ReplyDelete-you know who <3