NO, not kun and i of course..
maybe 10 years down the road heh :>

we got married is this really addictive korean reality show that i'm so sucked into !! all thanks to the recommendation of miss heng. that explains why i haven't been running and blogging. i foresee a huge hump of assignments and readings to do in a couple of weeks. school sucks especially when there are assignments due and surprise tests . nevertheless, these people enlighten my days in school :)
being able to make rachel laugh when i go about doing the ' when i say yanning you say hip hop ' gag , discuss all the agneselle, hollyhoque , lovebonito etc previews with vann yenqin felicia and all, being able to discuss khuntoria with irene and all the woes of being a teacher with jessie , organise events and gatherings .. WHATS NOT TO LOVE ABOUT THEM ?! & now that we got to know the guys better, school life's better. with nice people like henry who bought us donuts and got us extra sociology notes. thank god for these people , really .

picture taken on thursday after school
hotpot culture steamboat ala carte buffet at marina square .

meet my new baby - blackberry bold 9780
another strike off on my to get list! no more fake 'bbm' with rachel lyla and irene. & no more sucky LG KS 360 which shuts down whenever i slide up my phone. i've completely lost faith in LG products . now that my data plan is activated, i get to communicate with cheryl more often. quotes from bimb ' blackberry brings people together ' i'm constantly on whats app with jeanette & sonia too. whats not to love about this gadget ? i have been contemplating between iphone4 and blackberry but i've decided on the later because i have an itouch already. all gadgets are purchased with my own hard earned money :/ i think i've really spent a lot this year. my compact camera will have to wait till next year. hopefully gabriel nigel nicholas & all will be more obedient next year so i wont have a tough time tutoring ..
love sundays like this :)
You finally blogged! I'm a huge fan leh, always come here to check.
<3 am a huge fan of you too!