gracia yenqin chloe loveee (:
i was literally dragging my feet to work. i have never dread work so badly. it's such a dumb issue afterall and i should have just left with yvonne at the very beginning of the month . this is so annoying, totally blown out of proportion -.- nevertheless, it was good having serene and ivy's companion. aris called for an impromptu BT team lunch which made all of us stunned. & we had lovely pasta at swensens for lunch . i think i'm gonna miss serene ivy aris and the rest terribly after i'm off from work :(
anyway, i managed to hit my weekly target and i 'm entitled to a half day leave tomorrow! however, my boss was kind and flexible enough to let me utilise it today so i went off to meet chloe gracia and curly (: yes, curly's my new pet name for our cute little miss yang ! we were sauntering around the usual places in town like cineleisure , ion and 313. speaking of 313 , it's gracia's favourite number one shopping spot. she's completely in love with the four storey forever 21 that she patrons them almost weekly. i think i can draft a letter to inform their in-charge not to fret over loss of sales due to financial crisis for there will always be their loyal supporter gracia tang.
then we head over to sephora @ ion because chloe wanted to check out their makeover. that was when we met a really enthusiastic and friendly shop assistant who tried out some make up for me. initially we only wanted to check out the eye make up but she went on to do cheeks and lips which took quite a while. & regretfully, i was late for tuition and had to miss my twins again. AGAIN. i'm such a horrible tutor :/
i will treasure the last week left with you in offficee! *hugsss* you will be missed :D <3