sad rebe
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
loser lamer moron sucker whatever .. :/
i'm quite sad now because i've overspent. i've yet to reach my targeted savings amount for the year 2010 . for the year 2011 , i shall flood my schedule with many many tuitions and not skive off. shall remove myself from mailing lists and so on so i wont be informed of future collections.
Friday, December 17, 2010
H-0-L-I-D-A-Y-S ! :)
overdue pictures from zouk. i think its 2 or 3 weeks ago. one of the ladies night :) managed to drag sonia out after her exams and we get to meet the oh so busy future accountant sarah teh . would have been fabulous if cheryl was there though . i think we really need to have a reunion soon.

today's one of the best TGIF in a long while. economics lesson ended approximately 20 minutes earlier and it's the last day of school of 2010 ! you bet we were all counting down to the end of the class . we even took pictures with our very charismatic econs lecturer mr mark harris . the lecturer whom we greatly feared during the initial period of school ; lock you outside the lecture if you're late , confiscate my blackberry on its very first debut , bombard you with cheem economics questions when you are late from break. he told us to fully utilise our break for when school officially starts in 2011 , it's gonna be hell :/

sonianne baby : >
my very straight teeth ! never regretted braces at all.

my eye make up is visible here !
my face looks bare in pictures even though i put on eyeliner and stuffs.
i dont put foundation and all because its really troublesome..
but my face looks bare in pictures why why why ?
applies to sarah too.

omo wish that my face wasn't that round.
i think its really important to have good friends. they are the people who wouldn't judge you . words could come out freely without having to go through tedious consideration and you can be who you are and behave however you want. nothing beats the companion of true friends eh ? can't wait for lou baby to be back so we can club again !
today's one of the best TGIF in a long while. economics lesson ended approximately 20 minutes earlier and it's the last day of school of 2010 ! you bet we were all counting down to the end of the class . we even took pictures with our very charismatic econs lecturer mr mark harris . the lecturer whom we greatly feared during the initial period of school ; lock you outside the lecture if you're late , confiscate my blackberry on its very first debut , bombard you with cheem economics questions when you are late from break. he told us to fully utilise our break for when school officially starts in 2011 , it's gonna be hell :/

after which we proceed on with our pre-christmas party! initially , we thought the party is gonna suck because there were only 4 members from the boy gang and we werent on very very close comfortable terms to be honest. we had a gift exchange and the person who picked me is none other than my very dearest xiao love , irene sng ! the present was slightly above budget and i love it to the max ! she got me a cute weekly schedule and a set of highlighters . they will be permanent residents of my bag in the coming year . you know the feeling you get when you receive a perfect set of stationeries - motivated to start the year on the right note ! this schedule even includes a section where you pen down your expenses, earnings and savings. perfect for the tuition teacher and spendthrift like me. hopefully in 2011 , i will be able to control my spending and watch over my bank account. saranghae xiaoai !

and the very awesome christmas cards from rachel yenqin jessie and yanning ! i'm so sorry that i didnt prepare anything for you girls :( looks like everyone chiong after knowing that jess got us stuffs. i will get you guys a good new year gift alright! since i dou
bt i will be able to pass you girls a gift before christmas. its a good two weeks break and im already missing the girls .. first jan babies !! & dear felicia got us a pack of stickies and i doubt they are cheap .. really. so meticulous and thoughtful . xiao ai vann and i are put to shame .. :(
once again, i'm really thankful to have known you girls ! :) quotes from yann , school will never be the same without these . on a random note, how often do people exceed their 1gb data plan ? i'm using mine like no one's business and i'm afraid the bill might haunt me soon enough .
Saturday, December 11, 2010
NO, not kun and i of course..
maybe 10 years down the road heh :>

we got married is this really addictive korean reality show that i'm so sucked into !! all thanks to the recommendation of miss heng. that explains why i haven't been running and blogging. i foresee a huge hump of assignments and readings to do in a couple of weeks. school sucks especially when there are assignments due and surprise tests . nevertheless, these people enlighten my days in school :)
being able to make rachel laugh when i go about doing the ' when i say yanning you say hip hop ' gag , discuss all the agneselle, hollyhoque , lovebonito etc previews with vann yenqin felicia and all, being able to discuss khuntoria with irene and all the woes of being a teacher with jessie , organise events and gatherings .. WHATS NOT TO LOVE ABOUT THEM ?! & now that we got to know the guys better, school life's better. with nice people like henry who bought us donuts and got us extra sociology notes. thank god for these people , really .

picture taken on thursday after school
hotpot culture steamboat ala carte buffet at marina square .

meet my new baby - blackberry bold 9780
another strike off on my to get list! no more fake 'bbm' with rachel lyla and irene. & no more sucky LG KS 360 which shuts down whenever i slide up my phone. i've completely lost faith in LG products . now that my data plan is activated, i get to communicate with cheryl more often. quotes from bimb ' blackberry brings people together ' i'm constantly on whats app with jeanette & sonia too. whats not to love about this gadget ? i have been contemplating between iphone4 and blackberry but i've decided on the later because i have an itouch already. all gadgets are purchased with my own hard earned money :/ i think i've really spent a lot this year. my compact camera will have to wait till next year. hopefully gabriel nigel nicholas & all will be more obedient next year so i wont have a tough time tutoring ..
love sundays like this :)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
productive saturday :)
it's one of the rare saturdays when i feel good about staying home :) both mom and bro are out for work so i'm the only one left at home. thank god for my trustee macbook and itouch to keep me entertained. two items down from my to-get-list this year!! hopefully i will be able to get my wallet and blackberry by the end of year. i'm still contemplating between blackberry and iphone4. i'm really used to touchscreen and a wider screen for online shopping but with blackberry i'll be able to connect with lyla rachtan xiaoai bimb and a lot of people like instantaneously. till then i will be able to text as fast as the bb users .
i was feeling super lardy till i went for a run in the evening. feels super good and refreshing now. i'm trying to lose all the kilograms that i've gained during the alevels period. i bet it's daily sinful indulgence to keep me happy during the stressful struggle. it's so easy to gain weight but so hard to lose them :/ at least now i'm used to running every alternate days . back then kun has to nag , pinch my fats and drag me to the gym . benefits of having a health conscious ( and ahem* superficial cum image conscious ) boyfriend .
the past few nights found me laughing to my mackie, watching the funny 'we got married' series. kim hyun joong's such a cutie pie :> did my laundry and some room keeping. i shall attempt to keep my room clean. cant wait for flea next saturday so i can clear my wardrobe. may there be good sales *crosses fingers*
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
of my lovely companion

i really like this picture even though i had squinty eyes.
thought we looked really happy :>
cheers to happy moments

i thought lyla looks really adorable in the pictures above :>

felicia and xiao ai :>
credits to felicia for the pretty pictures! i was so tempted to get an iphone 4 while we were exploring the photography functions. there are so many people promoting so vehemently about the iphone4 that im really swayed. i shouldn't have gotten an itouch. nevertheless, it was a faithful companion entertaining me with games like angry birds, songs and videos to last me through the day. i think i will settle for blackberry still. it will be 24/7 bbm sessions with rach tan and lyla / whatsapp with sonia i suppose.
our wholesale paradise wasnt that fantastic afterall. i walked home with a pretty weaved wedge for 12 bucks and a 13 buck top that i've been eyeing online! i was mega happy when i saw it at the shop and the lady was pretty generous with her deals. there were only two pieces left in different colour combinations so rach and i snugged them home. i really think that it would be mega exciting to shop together with rach in bangkok. we have pretty similar tastes but she's like super super skinny while i'm fat and lardy :0
& for the recent updates...

met up with lyla and gra on friday and today ! (: it was a good catch up since i dont get to see gracia as often now that we're based in different branches. did two rounds of running, many rounds of online shopping and a few rounds of photoboothing. it's ironic how everyone says photobooth makes you pretty. i look fugly in so many of them and the above is the most decent of all. nevertheless, love the people and their companion.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
like a G6
on thursday, we (uol peeps) proceeded with our potluck plans at marina barrage ! initially i thought our plan might not work out because planning was rather filmsy as everyone was quite caught up with their own plans. but it did! super happy.
momma fetched lyla and i to marina barrage so we didnt have to go through the trouble of changing buses and train. i've had so much fun eating, camwhoring, laughing at yanning's attempt to fly kite and etc. there was sausages, potato salad, fruit salad, almond jelly, fruit jelly, golden crispy chicken , spaghetti , cheesecake, tibits and lots more. we couldn't finish most of the food! i ate 6 almond jelly and a few fruit jelly because yanning wants to keep her container badly. ( yann now you know who loves you the most right? )
the weather was rather cooling at first but towards the end we had to use the umbrellas to keep ourselves from getting burnt. yenqin's floral corsage, colourful kite and colourful umbrella came in handy that day. thanks love!
as usual , i took the most pictures with rachel my skinny lover. THE NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT.
some of my favourite shots.

okay i dont look very fat here right? (:
left pic ; rebe felicia irene. xiao ai so cute worsxsxsxs
left pic ; rach sheltering me . so loved awww
tracy and i posing for shots.
i can't help if there are too many pictures of me.
left ; rach looking super duper adorable here!
right ; rebe jess irene. note the height difference here. I'M THE TALLEST. :D
i'm going to miss my holidays. the past week has been so fun and i think i've fully utilised the last few days of my holidays spending time with friends + catching up on dramas. i love korean dramas and how they keep me sane. albeit they cause me dark eye circles and fatigue . maybe soon enough, 95% of my tweets would be about some kpop stars like my dear @rutian @sealedkisses.

kim hyun joong looking so dashing !!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
i felt like i have wasted my holidays. i should have engaged in productive revision but i'm bummingaround , watching korean dramas and SLEEPING. ( i only wake up at 12pm in the noon and its very scary ) i wonder how am i gonna survive if i was allocated morning classes next year.

P.S god, please grant me all the 1200 - 1500 slots. & put me in headquarters i hate walking up the great slope of namly.

captain kun.
pirate wannabe.
on sunday ; i spent my halloween mugging with sonia at this new cafeteria in westmall. i'm not a loner spending halloween on my own afterall. (: although on saturday night i felt so loser idling at kun's crib watching big bang theory when his brother and cousi
n are all dressed up for halloween party. i feel so old, boring .. and sad . they are a few years older ( with kun's cousin being 7 years older than me ) but it felt like my soul was ten thousand years old . SARAH TEH, next year we will play our hearts out okay. i shall drag the rest and be spontaneous for once. i should have planned something with sarah this year.

lylas doing what she's best at doing

some pictures taken by my photobooth when yenqin came over to my place to prepare for UOL BASH. all these were recovered from the trash . what valuables i've found. (: yenqin the ultimate camwhore!

& a picture of me pouting in sonia's hostel. sammy and i were so bored when we couldn't log into her NUS webpage. i was dying of hunger and sammy was of thirst. it helped when sonia's friend came over to her crib and directed us to the lounge.
so much for " got anything call me ah " nevertheless still had fun sleeping and playing with her straightening steam. my hair was so soft after ironing. now you know sonia's so vain. :>
picnic with the uol girls later cant wait : >
Thursday, October 28, 2010
my best friend
more than 36 months ago , i met my best friend in a setting that i never thought would blossom a special relationship. blessed with good looks and a beaming personality, my best friend stood out among the crowd . on that very day, i thought this could be the day that could change my life ; for this could be the person who would wipe all my fears and tears away. we clicked fast and soon got very close. we would text each other from morning till night . we would meet each other almost every single day. even though we barely knew each other for a few days this friendship felt like it was gonna last forever.
when my best friend's wallet was tattered and torn , i saved up for a wallet that was meant for a gift that marked the 31st day of our friendship. when my best friend was nominated in a public beauty contest, i would vote for the bestfriend every single day to make sure that bestfriend felt loved and supported throughout the contest. when my best friend was upset about seasonal outbreak , i would save up money for good acne products that used to work on me. when my bestfriend felt outcasted , i would stand up and defend the bestfriend in every single way.
my bestfriend was undoubtedly the biggest part of my life. my bestfriend was actually afraid that the position in my heart would be replaced when i moved into a new environment. never did my bestfriend that the place was irreplaceable. years gone by and both of us had more and more commitments piling up. we started to drift away unknowingly.
i no longer knew what my bestfriend was thinking. when my bestfriend's upset with me, i would be fraught with peril about what could be written on the bestfriend's facebook wall. we no longer text each other throughout the day nor call on each other daily. i was no longer the fun and bubbly person my bestfriend once thought to be.
nevertheless, i'll still be waiting.
for you're my bestfriend.
i love you bestfriend.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
there're just way too many reasons for me to be angry with god.
Monday, October 25, 2010
when my girlfriend turns 19
sonia just uploaded a few pictures and i thought i would like to share!
i really disliked my hair and i'm so glad and relieved that i've went for a haircut.
i miss the volume but not the fringe, esp the ugly parting.
it's an awesome bar , located next to her room.
love the lightings & decorations. the room's so cozy .
totally lovin' the place .
miss my girls :(
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